Welcome to March. I like March. It always has interesting and sometimes wild weather, and it is filled with the in between. We are in between winter and spring. In between lent and Easter. A lingering time of contemplativeness, expectation, and quiet. We are still walking our journey to the cross. What do we do when we stop and rest from our walking? Prayer, fasting, journaling? The list is as endless as our own imaginations. In Bible Study we are discussing a book written by Max Lucado called “Help Is Here”. I wanted to share with you something I loved from it.
“God’s plan is reduced to one strategy: ordinary folks telling the extraordinary story of Jesus with the extraordinary power of the Holy Spirit.”
Folks just like you and I on our own special journey sharing how God has impacted and changed our lives. Sharing our “God moments” big and little with people we encounter along our journey. We all have moments that we just know were orchestrated by none other than the Holy Spirit trying to get our attention or to direct our paths. They hold a special place in our hearts and memories. If we make space and time and perhaps bravery to share with others it could make an impact on other lives as well. If we don’t pass the story of the good news perhaps no one else will.
I hope your journey is going well and that you are making time to receive more special God Moments along the way. I hope your journey is bringing you peace and insight. My prayers and thought are always with all of my journey as well.
With Love and Service,
Vicar Missy